1:1 Personal Identity Coaching
- new directions
- motivation
1:1 Loneliness Check-in
- loneliness bite-size check-ins
- company for those who need someone to listen

What can I access for
There is also a Facebook Group purely for WOMEN ONLY called:YELLOW RHINO Golden Goddess Group (checks will be made to check authenticity)
At YELLOWRHINO we know that for some, budget is difficult. Therefore there is a limited free coaching element we can offer via FACEBOOK. Follow our page to see monthly offers.
Messages will be responded to as and when.
1:1 Loneliness Check-in
Want to start small with short chats? Do you just need someone to share your worries with? A friendly face to celebrate the small wins and listen to your news? A companion to speak to when you feel alone? A gentle way into coaching with encouragement and follow ups but led by YOU.
1:1 Coaching . . . Is this you?
I don't know who I am anymore.
I'm boring and have no work-life balance.
I'm stuck in a rut. I need a social life and hobbies but I don't know how to find what I need.
I want to create a different future but I think I'm too old and set in my ways to learn new things. Where do I start?
I want someone to listen to my plans without judgement and help me see them through.
Follow the steps to find your path. From there you decide how you want to proceed.
Take the FREE initial self assessment
Knowing which areas we need to work on will make the process quicker and more tailored.
Rate your life areas:
​professional and social connections
personal growth
lifestyle and recreation
Identity exploration
time audit
Email / Text / Whatsapp and book a FREE 20 minute call
Let's get to know each other in a FREE call and see exactly what you need. To check availability please contact as slots fill up fast and can be negotiated to suit your lifestyle.
Book a session
Session are 1 hour and can
be in person or virtual.
In-person sessions can be arranged
at a neutral spot such as a cafe, can be
outdoors using walk and talk or
(for van-lifers) can be as a "Van Meet".
"Cabin Chat" is a special deal for
a cuppa and chat at a festival.
"Loneliness check-in" - a half hour online chat and chance to "offload" concerns or share news without specific coaching.
Block Book & Save
Coaching: A deeper dive into the phases of Discovery, Vision and Action
In-between session contact and support
Loneliness check-in
- Identity assessment
- Values
- Current life situation mapping
- Exploring interests/possibilities
- Identifying energy-giving activities
- Authentic goal setting
​Action Planning
- Small, manageable steps
- Building social connections
- Time management restructuring
- Hobby exploration strategies
Digital Resources included!

Take the first step to
Finding your Personal Identity
Navigating your next chapter
Defeating loneliness and discovering purpose
Selina's Qualifications
- BA (Hons) Education
- BSc Education and Social Science
- NLP Registered Practitioner
- Wellbeing Business Owner
- Qualified and Accredited Life Coach
- Wellbeing Ambassador
- Qualified Yoga Instructor
- Mental Health First Aid
- Experience of working with adults, children, teenagers, those who are neuro-diverse
- International Project experience in all topics related to well being, progressive education, personal development
- Adult private mentoring and coaching experience
- A number of years with MOJ delivering programmes to people who been convicted of offences and/or have been to prison